No matter where the Rebel Alliance establishes one of its bases, it must always be prepared for an Imperial attack. Rebel ground troops are always willing to put themselves in harm’s way, but sometimes troopers are not enough to stem the tide of the Imperial legions and their heavy walkers. Laser cannon emplacements can provide…
The howl of a 74-Z Speeder Bike racing past is not something that’s easily forgotten. The Empire commonly uses these speeder bikes for scouting and reconnaissance missions, but they can also be deployed to terrifying effect on the battlefield, where their sheer speed often prevents the enemy from taking a clean shot. The 74-Z Speeder Bikes…
The AAT Trade Federation battle tank is a hard-hitting vehicle favored by Separatist commanders like Lok Durd. While its droid operators require precise commands to be used to full effect, is primary MX-8 artillery laser cannons can blast out barrages that target multiple enemies or hammer the same foe with twice the firepower, and its…
Anakin Skywalker is one of the enduring heroes of the Clone Wars. Whether he is leading troops into battle or personally engaging the enemy using his mastery of the Djem So form of lightsaber combat, he will do what must be done to protect the Republic, even if it leads to temptation by the dark…
The power of the Empire is visible on any subjugated world—few images are more representative of Imperial power than the shining white armor of a Stormtrooper or the rumble of a walker stomping through city streets or across the battlefield. Soon, you’ll be able to supplement your Stormtroopers with another symbol of Imperial oppression: the…
The Republic’s Clone Troopers may be bred for battle, but even the finest soldiers eventually break under the crushing weight of legions of B1 Battle Droids. Despite possessing little cunning or tactical intelligence, these droids march heedlessly forward to crush any resistance through raw attrition alone. Mindlessly loyal and eminently expendable, the Separatist Alliance has…
The Separatist Alliance’s B1 Battle Droids are manufactured to attack in massive numbers and wear down enemy forces through raw attrition alone. But that does not mean they don t have other purposes to serve as the Separatists seek to overthrow the Galactic Republic. Other series of battle droids perform a variety of tasks for…
B2 Super Battle Droids are the hulking, brutal cousins of the wiry B1-series battle droids of the Separatist army. Heavily armored and devastatingly powerful with their integrated wrist blasters, the sight of a squad of these droids on the battlefield can chill even the most seasoned of clone troopers. The B2 Super Battle Droids Unit Expansion provides…
Versatile and swift, BARC speeders are designed to assist clone troopers as they scout the field, protect key targets, and launch rapid surprise attacks. These durable speeder bikes are armed with heavy blasters and fitted with powerful engines, making them useful in nearly any theater of ground war across the galaxy. Within the BARC Speeder Unit…
As evidenced by his tracking Han Solo and the Millenium Falcon to Bespin in The Empire Strikes Back, Boba Fett is a cunning bounty hunter who considers all the angles. He’s also a formidable warrior, with his intimidating Mandalorian armor concealing an assortment of deadly weaponry. Working best on his own, Boba Fett is just as lethal as…
Skillfully tracking his prey across the galaxy using his natural Trandoshan hunting instincts, Bossk has earned his reputation as one of the most feared bounty hunters in the galaxy. In the employ of the Empire, he ll go to any lengths to bring down the target that will net him the most money. In the…
One of the Rebellion s most capable intelligence agents, Cassian Andor has dedicated his life to the cause. Capable of both leading an all-out assault or operating independently on the battlefields of Star Wars: Legion, Andor is a versatile addition to any Rebel army. No matter what role you choose for Andor, the reprogrammed KX-series security…
Han Solo’s ever-faithful companion, Chewbacca isn’t afraid to follow his friends into battle. Once there, it isn’t hard to see how he can aid Rebel commanders as they attempt to capture crucial objectives or secure a foothold on the battlefield. His immense strength and personal connection to Solo, Luke Skywalker, and Leia Organa make him…
Clone Captain Rex viewed military service as an honor, and his loyalty to the Republic and his Jedi Generals was absolute. Rex honed the use of twin blaster pistols into an art form, leading his fellow clones to victory on countless battlefields across the galaxy. The Clone Captain Rex Commander Expansion contains everything you need to add…
While much of the galaxy knows him as the Separatist Alliance s Head of State, Count Dooku serves a more sinister purpose in the Clone Wars. Actually a powerful Sith lord, Dooku works behind the scenes to bring down the Jedi and destroy the Republic once and for all. As the rare Separatist unit powerful…
R2-D2 and C-3PO set the entire Star Wars saga into motion when they crash landed on Tatooine, and the Crashed Escape Pod Battlefield Expansion invites you to play our the early stages of their desperate mission in your games of Star Wars: Legion. This expansion contains one finely sculpted crashed escape pod miniature, one C-3PO miniature, and one R2-D2 miniature,…